Finding a Websites Best Performing Keywords


Daemon Poster
In this article I will show you a very easy and effective way to find out what your best performing keywords are, using free webmaster tools.

Intro - A Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization
Step 1 - Finding a Websites Best Performing Keywords
Step 2 - How To Do Effective SEO Keyword Research
Step 3 - How To Configure On Page SEO
Step 4 - Effective Off Page SEO Tutorial

I believe any website will have 3 targets, (Sales, Signups and or Traffic) So it is important to understand which one your site is after so you can then decide which keywords to focus on

Sales - Lets say I have an online shop selling dog leads. In order to optimise my site I need to find out which keywords are bring in traffic to my site and even more importantly which keywords are getting me sales and how well am I ranking for these keywords.

Signups - If I have a social networking site my target will be to get as many people to signup to the site as possible. So again I need to know which keywords are getting me signups and then focus on these keywords and possibly other simular keywords.

Traffic - Lets cover more on this in this guide How To Do Effective SEO Keyword Research

I am going to show you an easy method which will help you to find your websites best performing keywords.

First Method Sales / Signups

Now signup to google analytics put there code on your website and then log in to your analytics account. Now we want to setup a goal that will track when an event has happened such as a sale or a signup has accured. On my website when someone has purchased something I redirect them to a thankyou page after they have paid for the goods. So when I setup my goal in google analytics I select "Exact Match" then goal url path of "/thankyou.html"

After you have setup your goal click on custom reporting on the left hand side then Manage Custom Reports > Create New Custom Report, Give the goal a name like "Sales Keywords" Now on the left hand side click on the Goals link, then drag the goal you just setup and drop it in to one of the metric boxes. Then under dimensions select traffic sources and drag "Keyword" and drop it in the dimension box. Your report setup should look like the below


Now your goal and custom reporting is setup it is best to leave it for 1-3 months to collect data. The longer the time you leave it the more accurate keywords you will get out of it.

The screenshot below is of one of my custom reports. I have blacked out the keywords as I dont want to share them here.


As we can see here there are 3 top keywords that are brining in sales for me. Lets say that these keywords were from my online dog leads shop and the three top keywords were

Dog Leads
Buy Dog Leads
Online Dog Leads Shop

We have now just managed to find out what our top 3 performing keywords are. The next step will be to do some research on these three keywords to find out,

How are they ranking on search engines?
Can I improve my ranking for these keywords?
Can I find simular / relevant keywords?
and much more, click on the link below to find out more

> How To Do Effective SEO Keyword Research
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