Windows 10 eMail query


In Runtime
I have got a constant message at the top of the Windows 10 email page.

It says "There was an error while sending your message"

There is a box on the right hand side of the message which simply says 'Dismiss'

There does not seem to be an option to see the detail of this error and so I cannot find out what it is all about.

Has anyone else experienced this or knows how to resolve it.

Thank you.
Not entirely sure what you mean by "Windows 10 email page." As far as I am aware there isn't an email page as such in Windows. Most of the email programs that can be used with Windows need Outlook which is part of Microsoft Office 365 which you have to basically rent per month. I don't think you do that so you need to explain that part a bit clearer.

Which email client are you using. Eg Hotmail, BT, Gmail etc.
Not entirely sure what you mean by "Windows 10 email page." As far as I am aware there isn't an email page as such in Windows. Most of the email programs that can be used with Windows need Outlook which is part of Microsoft Office 365 which you have to basically rent per month. I don't think you do that so you need to explain that part a bit clearer.

Which email client are you using. Eg Hotmail, BT, Gmail etc.

Hi pete.i, As far as I am aware, it's the email programme that is in-built to Windows 10.

I use
If you are using that program (for some odd reason I do not have it on any of my installations BUT I re-installed a friends computer today and it was there) then it will have to be set up with your Gmail user name and password and some other stuff such as POP and SMTP IMAP (maybe), all this guff.

SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 587
SSL Protocol: OFF
TLS Protocol: ON
SMTP Username: (your Gmail username)
SMTP Password: (your Gmail password)

If you haven't done any of that it wont work. I never ever use any email access programs. I prefer to just log on via the internet and get my mail that way. Much much easier.
Hi again pete.i., the system works just fine, it is all set up correctly but, it's just that the error message that I've mentioned is always across the top of the screen.
Okay, sorry then I don't know. It's not uncommon for Windows to throw up spurious warnings. Hopefully somebody else can help.
Honestly, most Windows built-in apps are buggy. You should try a different email client before assuming it's a system-wide issue.

Try Thunderbird and if it works then just stick to it. It's probably a bug or a mistake you made setting up the account.
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