Potentially the longest thread in history...

I don't really have anybody to share this news with so I'll put it here.

I just scored myself a mint S462 DFI Lanparty with the more rare KT400 chipset. It is unfortunately not the NF2 Ultra B but I didn't even know they existed in KT400 flavor.
I don't really have anybody to share this news with so I'll put it here.

I just scored myself a mint S462 DFI Lanparty with the more rare KT400 chipset. It is unfortunately not the NF2 Ultra B but I didn't even know they existed in KT400 flavor.
Totally awesome, bud.
I have dealt with chronic back pain since I was 18, and various hand/wrist issues/pains for the past 10 years so I can kind of understand what you're going through. Not being able to do certain things with my children has taken its toll mentally, but I can agree that getting out of that depressive mindset is a real challenge. Hell, our youngest now is 2.5 years old and repeats what we say quite frequently. One of the things he is caught saying is "ow my back" a lot which is a result of my pains. Instead of looking at it negatively I just have to think positively or find it funny. It is good you are finding positivity and a way to express yourself outside of that though, and it's good to see another familiar name posting again.

It's great to see you around, dude. You have crossed my mind quite often. It's awesome that you have found some tools to help you out, and I look forward to seeing you dropping in now and again.

Like PP, I live with pain as well. Bad knees, poor lower leg circulation, neuropathy, arthritis, etc in my case. While it sucks, you really only have two choices... keep on going or give up. I've never been one to just lay down when the going gets tough so I choose to keep going, and it sounds like you have as well.

Yeah it made me give up on my life goals for quite a long time, I just felt like what's the point because now I've got to deal with this and it's gonna ruin my life. Pain every day every time I use my hands for something, and you tend to use your hands quite a lot surprisingly enough...!

But in the end after reading this book and speaking to people I realised that actually it doesn't stop me achieving my life goals and it's better to achieve my goals and have this pain than not achieve them and still have the pain.

There was a great quote from the book I read: "Your life and your health are interlinked, and so if you can't change your health you have to change your life." The doctor that wrote the book found that he had a lot of patients that reported improvements in their pain conditions when they started to ignore it as much as possible and just progress with their life and try and achieve things rather than concentrating on the pain itself.

In other and more positive news, I have finally pretty much finished paying off my debt that I accrued in my early 20s - thank god. I should now be able to save around $2,000 a month towards a house deposit; looking to buy sometime in 2025.
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I go back to work in the morning. I had taken three days of vacation plus the weekend for my birthday but now that is drawing to a close. Unfortunately my week will start off with a 564 mile drive as I have to go and start mid-year inventories. My first destination is Cleveland/Akron, OH. I then work my way back south with Columbus, OH and Madisonville, KY. I will get home some time on Friday.

While I was off I did get to do some smoking. I smoked a turkey on Wednesday that I divided between two ladies from our church (both love turkey, and one is extremely limited on what proteins she can have). Wednesday night I put on a brisket I had prepped that morning; roughly 14 hours in the smoke at 200F, then wrapped and finished and let rest a few hours in a warm oven. I didn't get to cut it until Saturday as we had to head out for my birthday dinner with family. The cut pic is of cold meat so it looks dry. This was one of the best briskets I have done, and almost all of it is going to my technicians when I do their inventories this week.

In other and more positive news, I have finally pretty much finished paying off my debt that I accrued in my early 20s - thank god. I should now be able to save around $2,000 a month towards a house deposit; looking to buy sometime in 2025.
That's great news. When my wife and I refinanced our house we went ahead and consolidated at the same time. Going from multiple payments to one main made a huge difference for us.


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Well, appraiser is paid for so now we wait. If approved we get the place, if not back to square one. Should have an answer this week.
Good luck!
I go back to work in the morning. I had taken three days of vacation plus the weekend for my birthday but now that is drawing to a close. Unfortunately my week will start off with a 564 mile drive as I have to go and start mid-year inventories. My first destination is Cleveland/Akron, OH. I then work my way back south with Columbus, OH and Madisonville, KY. I will get home some time on Friday.

While I was off I did get to do some smoking. I smoked a turkey on Wednesday that I divided between two ladies from our church (both love turkey, and one is extremely limited on what proteins she can have). Wednesday night I put on a brisket I had prepped that morning; roughly 14 hours in the smoke at 200F, then wrapped and finished and let rest a few hours in a warm oven. I didn't get to cut it until Saturday as we had to head out for my birthday dinner with family. The cut pic is of cold meat so it looks dry. This was one of the best briskets I have done, and almost all of it is going to my technicians when I do their inventories this week.

That's great news. When my wife and I refinanced our house we went ahead and consolidated at the same time. Going from multiple payments to one main made a huge difference for us.
The brisket looks great. I actually bought a Kamado smoker, well just a mini one with a 34 centimeter grill. But it still weighs like 50 kilos and you can do long 10, 15, 20 hour smokes on it. I did a brisket point end for 10 hours which was probably a little short, It was really good but probably a little drier than you see some people achieve on YouTube so I need to get my technique down. The problem is from what I can tell meat is a lot more expensive here than down in Texas, It's about $60 for a 6lb point end here, which from what I can tell is several times more expensive per pound than what Americans pay! I can't fit a full brisket in my mini smoker either so I either have to choose the point or flat end - I can't have the whole thing, but I don't really mind that I'm the only one that's going to eat it in my house anyway, so I don't have any use for huge cuts of meat.

In other news somehow I got hacked and someone gained access to my personal email account, my steam account, my epic games account, my reddit account, my gmail account, and my LinkedIn account. All use different passwords and all use multi-factor authentication using different authentication apps like Google authenticator, Steam guard, and Bitwarden. No huge damage done but a little scary and kind of stressful. Somehow they managed to get into all of those accounts without triggering a single email or warning or anything saying suspicious sign-in activity, and they managed to bypass MFA on every single account. I'm guessing I got some malware on my PC that stole my session cookies from my web browser or something like that.
Welll.. Ladies and Gentlemen. I guess I need to update that power supply guide riiight?

Geez the hardware at ABT, CDW and bestbuy is sooooo goood nowadays.. incert back in my day stories...

Oh and hello.
Im so happy to tell beginner computer and PC enthusiasts the pure joys of waiting for parts and materials for up to 3-5 different websites. On different days and times and different delivery companies. Now you can just waltzs into Best buy and for the most part have a pretty decent setup made for you right there.

I'm just wondering how much longer will it be before you literally can't order a laptop with an optical drive in it, not even custom. :D
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