Radeon 9200 PCI, "radeon" drivers, second graphics card, and problems

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Fully Optimized
Illinois, USA
I'm trying to install Ubuntu with Compiz on my friend's PC. His PC has an integrated Intel graphics card and he also has an ATi Radeon 9200 PCI card. I'm having trouble configuring xorg on this PC because dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg keeps seeing the Intel card rather than the ATi card. I finally did lspci and found that the Radeon was at PCI:1:0:0 (I think) and entered that in the "BusID" section of xorg.conf. Then I changed the driver to "radeon" and did startx. It showed a GUI, but Compiz refused to start, glxgears lagged horribly, and glxinfo said that DRI was NOT working. The monitor only supports up to 1024x768 and it was showing an out of range error when the Ubuntu loading screen came up, but then it went to 1024x768 at the login window. This PC is really confusing me, anyone got any advice?
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