Add FTP Upload to Right-click menu

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Golden Master
RightLoad adds the ability to upload selected files to a ftp directly which removes the step to start the ftp client, choose the ftp server, browse the local hard drives and the possible location on the ftp server. All this can be set in RightLoad which should be a really useful software for most webmasters who regularly upload files to their ftps.
RightLoad has several features with which it conquered a solid place in the applications that I use daily. Besides being able to set predefined directories on multiple ftps it can save the login information for those ftp sites which in turn can be protected by a master password to enhance security.
It is also possible to auto-create thumbnails if you do upload images. The user can set the maximum width and heights of the thumbnail and choose if he wants to be asked whenever an image is uploaded or if thumbnails should be generated automatically.
Links can be automatically generated if so desired, most of the time they are needed anyway when writing the article. Seems to have some problems with Windows Vista but should run fine in Windows XP and Windows 2000.
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via Freeware Genius
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