Videos about technology careers


Solid State Member
United States
I will be creating a series of videos about technology careers. I will be discussing issues like how to break into a career in IT, how to advance your IT career, what are the best opportunities in IT, etc. Essentially career advice for for anyone working in IT or thinking about working in IT.

I will be posting these videos on my YouTube channel which already contains a number of technical training videos that I created.

So my question is this: If you were interested in watching series of videos about technology careers, what specific topics would you like to see?

Thanks in advance for your input
Some topics I think would be helpful based off the questions i've seen in various forums (TF and others).
1. I've yet to see this listed somewhere, but a compilation of IT specific career paths. I realize this will vary from company to company but a generalized path in IT (IE Help Desk to NOC to Network Engineer to Network Architect). I realize this would be very general and you would have to explain just because you are a NOC doesn't mean you can't become a system engineer. Perhaps correlate what skill sets equate to what positions in the IT field.
2. Training, lots of people ask what type of training to get in order to land an IT job. Not every path would fit each individual but at least list what opportunities are out there (College vs Certifications).
3. What to expect in IT. I think a big misconception with IT is people think they can pass one certification, land an IT job then they will just move up the ranks from there. While that may occur in like 2% of companies most companies require continual education in order to stay relevant in the industry and move up. Sure you can get a Desktop Support job with an A+ and Net+ but you more than likely won't move from that role until you start getting more experience in server / networking roles or get those type of certifications. If they don't they will find what a lot of older techs are starting to find out, without keeping your knowledge base current employers will start to opt for cheaper employees that may know more about the newer technologies (IE VSAN or VVOLS vs traditional FCoE / NFS / iSCSI). I've come to realize if i want to continue succeeding in IT i have to take about one certification a year at this point.
4. Success stories - maybe a section on how you and others broke into the industry and had success. Everyone's story is different so of course you can't say 'a sure fire way to get into IT is do a then b then c and you'll get hired.' Every person, every situation is different but hearing what worked for others might give people the insight and confidence to take that next step in their career path
5. Certifications and their technology career counterparts. Again this isn't a one size fits all but telling someone hey get your CCNA to help become a network administrator would be helpful IMO. (IE CCNA=Network administration, MCSA=System Administration, VCP=Virtual Infrastructure). There has to be some vagueness because at one time I was an MCSA yet my title was Network Administrator - but you get the idea.

I'll come up with others and post as they come to mind.
Thank You Lexluethar for taking the time to answer my question is such a detailed & well thought out manner. This is exactly what I was looking for!

I hope others will give their opinions here as well.
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