So FFXIV is Terrible

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All the things he mentioned basically have simple answers to which they probably dont want to mention. I expected the criticism to be a bit ridiculous honestly.

Final Fantasy is by no means supposed to be an easy game. WoW has been so dumbed down for idiots to pay that 10 bucks that its basis of gaming has made retards of the MMO franchise. You have no where to go when you start? Big deal. When i first started WoW i had no idea wtf i was supposed to do years ago. The NPCs dont tell you exactly what they have? Boo hoo. Go back to WoW because last i recall Final Fantasy was about exploring and talking to people to get the things done you want to accomplish.

Map? Dude, they didnt have GPSs in days that required swords to fight. A map is simply a piece of paper (of sorts) that has a picture of the surrounding area with general markings of key places and names. Im currently paying LOTR and even though you can zoom in to close levels im sure in the days that game portrays they didnt have electronic OLED maps that have built in GPS degisnaters for your fellowship. Oh Frodo is here in the mountains and Gandalf is currently walking to the bar in Rohan. Handy it becomes sometimes, but ridiculous it has become as well. Im 50/50 on mapping systems honestly.

Boring copy pasted content and ridiculous short quests that dont pertain to anything? That describes WoW pretty easily. Whats their point? In something so large that is to be expected and im sure they are going with the current trend and will probably "expand" or "DLC" the crap outa the game later (to get more money of course). Thats of course granted they dont patch it to meet demands. Square Enix (IIRC) is pretty good about that, especially with their highest selling game name.

Basically in this review all i heard was a bunch of whining about a game that might actually be difficult to play like old games on NES. Was classic Zelda easy to play the first time you played it? No. It was ridiculously hard if you needed to figure everything out on your own.
Sheesh what is it with the current gamers of today being a bunch of hacking, cracking, gold farming, gamefaqing panzies? So the game doesnt become your mommy and tell you exactly what to do, each step of the way. Freakin whaaaaaaaa *smallest violen ever*


To be honest this is why i typically dont listen to game reviews or read any of them in any sort of way. I make my own assumptions of games simply because my taste of gaming has now become "old school". Kinda sad considering im only 22 and i dont rate with the "gamers" of today and it definitely explains why i find most all games to be such a freakin bore.
Yeah, I like lotro, but I'm no playing mmo's currently. If were to, that would be the one.

Really, games should be fun. Stuff that makes a game too hard like the stuff they mentioned really isn't fun. Well, for most that is. Everyone has their opinion.
Well everything i said is basically a rant on current societies take on games. I come from old school gaming and so there for im used to difficult games that dont over simplify things for the sake of people being lazy within a game. I mentioned old school first NES Zelda for a reason. No background story, no this, no that. Simply heres a game have fun. You got 9 castles to find that are hidden within the map, and granted the age of the game the map isnt that small. You also have various other things to figure out too all on your own. What little help you get in the game isnt much help at all and usually mixed with a puzzle itself. Now, lets take that over to modern Final Fantasy. Each game ive played (up to X-2, without taking 11 into consideration) has had around or at least 60+ hours worth of gameplay. You get a mix of leveling, short stories mixed into the longer one, side quests, side quests of side quests, ect. When you add that to an MMO on an extensive map its gonna seem like there is alot of copy paste subject material, alot of work, and alot of time spent. Well, that is the whole idea. Alot of time spent so you get your subscription months paid for so the dev can get their money for the time spent. The object to most Final Fantasies is to talk to people to figure out what to do and so on. Not have the game basically tell you exactly what to do in a free roam do whatever game. To me, that would be boring because there is nothing to it. Follow orders and carry out what NPCs want you to do. It would be nice if games went back to being games to where you actually have to use your brain in difficult sections but its also alot of fun. To much time is spent on graphics and not the story or game interactions.
The part of the development team creating the graphics is not the same part that is behind the story and gameplay. I demand both. No reason not to.
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