Recent content by zr2d2

  1. Z


    well, I'm currently using a free trial from, but would like to have my own. I can only use METHOD="GET", and the scripts i found were only METHOD="POST"
  2. Z


    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could use a form-mailer. I've found lots of script to make your own, but i can't host it on my server.
  3. Z

    wired/wireless problem

    I have a D-Link DI-614+ router, and when I enabled the wireless portion of it, the wired switch stoped working. Has anyone else had this problem?
  4. Z

    photo slicing

    thanks i ended up using picasa, which i already had. It was prety easy, although i spent all of saturday afternoon doing it
  5. Z

    photo slicing

    I was looking for a program that would automaticly save them as multiple files. I have 130 diffrent pictures with 3-5 different images per picture. I vaugly remember using something a few years ago
  6. Z

    Comp Sci vs. Info Sys vs. Info Tech.

    What's the difference between Comp Sci, Info Sys, and Info Tech?
  7. Z

    photo slicing

    I have about 120 scaned sets of photos, each with about three or four pictures. Is there a program that will let me cut the photos into more than one file?
  8. Z


    Thats nice.. but I need to also add text. Can I save it as a powerpoint?
  9. Z


    I have a powerpoint that i need to add tens of pictures to. Is there a way I could do this in batch?
  10. Z

    New Graphics Card

    Seaming as thou its the holiday season, I thought I would ask for a better graphics card. I currently have integrated graphics, but I do some video editing and it is proving to be inadequate. I only have PCI slots and was wondering if it would be worth getting a graphics card. I also have 512...
  11. Z

    PC to stereo connection

    My cousin copied his 100 GB music collection for me and I would like to enjoy it on good quality speakers. This means that I need to hook up my computer to my stereo. I come up with two options: 1) run the speaker out of my sound card into the back of the receiver. this would involve a...
  12. Z

    Video Camera Question

    I think Alvin summed it up well. You'll need an analog capture card thats eigther internal (PCI) or external (USB). It needs to be analog (RCA) rather than a digital (firewire). Pinnacle's card is $80 and can be found here
  13. Z

    The Person Above You

    ^^ can't afford an HDTV << sees them all the time vv thinks about naked men
  14. Z


    can anyone tell me what this means?
  15. Z

    Multithreading, Duel-core, 64-bit, and FSB

    They lumped Berkshire County in with Albany. I live outside Pittsfield in central Berkshire County. So AMD has no multithreading technology, right?
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