Recent content by XxAntiMatterxX

  1. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    What could someone do if they hacked the cam?!?
  2. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    Ok, well could you take an educated guess on how much it would weigh?
  3. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    I alwaya thought a 550 was a lot worse then a 650... could 550 play planetside 2 on medium settings?
  4. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    This price as high as he's going, so should I downgrade one thing, to upgrade another?
  5. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    Because he really needs the portibility... so... what do you think?
  6. X

    Hey guys, is this any good for my cousin?

    My cousin is HORRIBLE at understanding computers, so i'm kinda the "tech" guy he calls, and I helped him out. I want to know what ya'll think of the laptop I customized for him... He wanted it really cheap, but really good for gaming, so I based the laptop off of playing Planetside 2 on medium...
  7. X

    Which of these 2 machines should i buy?

    It depends... What do you plan on using it for? School? Mobile gaming? work? what... be as specific as possible!
  8. X

    Which one?

    Which one should I get? The first one is from Gaming Laptops - XOTIC PC - Gaming Notebooks - Custom Laptops - Custom Notebooks and the second is from iBUYPOWER Gaming PC: Custom Gaming Computers and Laptops ... I like both but my favorite is the second... BUT im not sure... And YES I do...
  9. X

    Please help me

    I have a good idea about what i'm doing, but something inn the back of my mind is telling me I'm messing up, so I REALLY need help.... Please tell me if I built a good laptop from Gaming Laptops - XOTIC PC - Gaming Notebooks - Custom Laptops - Custom Notebooks before I buy it. Is this any...
  10. X

    Hey guys, what's up?

    I'm new here! My name is XxAntiMatterxX, becuase :rofl: antimatter :lol: is probably the coolest thing ever! I'm in need of computer help, but im sure there is another forum for questions like that. Bye! :lol::rofl::flowers::o:cool::D:)
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