Recent content by skaleita

  1. skaleita

    The Operating System - An explanation

    Re: Your Computer Operating System... Best explanation. lol same thing i was thinking
  2. skaleita

    What Linux distro do you use?

    CrunchBang!# 7
  3. skaleita

    Where can I learn HTML?

    if you shoot me a PM i can teach you some basics so you can get a firm grasp of the foundation of HTML.
  4. skaleita

    Google panda update 4.0?

    Here's so info on the subject Google Begins Rolling Out Panda 4.0 Now
  5. skaleita

    SEO tools?

    i use Google Trend Tracker, im able to stay on top of all the latest trends for my blogs
  6. skaleita

    Hello All

    im skaleita im from Miami Florida, just dropping in to say hello
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