Recent content by QuaziBee

  1. QuaziBee

    Windows throws up old loading screens when starting programs

    This one's a bit weird and I'll try to explain it coherently. After I restart my PC I'll start any application and it will load normally. After that if I start any other (fullscreen/boarderlesswindow) application, my screen will show a screengrab of that first application I was loading for a...
  2. QuaziBee

    Exchange 2007 - Content Filtering Accepts Message for one User, Rejects Same Message for Another

    Found the relevant flowchart on technet. One of those 5 conditions must have been found true and the safe senders one is the only one that would make sense. Know how to pull user defined safe sender lists with powershell? edit: link to technet article for those interested
  3. QuaziBee

    Exchange 2007 - Content Filtering Accepts Message for one User, Rejects Same Message for Another

    A client sent an email to one of my users and CC'd another on it. AgentLog reports the following for the user that successfully received the email: ~Content Filter Agent,OnEndOfData,AcceptMessage,,SCL,not available: content filtering was bypassed., AgentLog reports the following for the user...
  4. QuaziBee

    Setting up Openfire server. Need help creating MsSQL DB

    Was able to import it from the mysql cmd line with the following: use openfire; source c:/temp/openfire_mysql.sql Since their website is loading the file and piping it into mysql, i'm guessing they aren't expecting you to use the actual mysql cli.
  5. QuaziBee

    Setting up Openfire server. Need help creating MsSQL DB

    Re: Setting up Openfire server. Need help creating MySQL DB Oopse, that was a misstype. Does the .sql file need to be in a particular directory? I get syntax errors when I try running it as shown, and if I try typing out the path to the file.
  6. QuaziBee

    Setting up Openfire server. Need help creating MsSQL DB

    Hey guys. I'm setting up an Openfire server on a Windows Server 2012 box that, for now, will be the only thing happening on it. I don't want to use the embedded database feature of Openfire so I need to create a new database for it. I'm using mySQL for this and have downloaded and installed...
  7. QuaziBee

    A question about backing up of a SAS hard disk

    What RAID array are you using?
  8. QuaziBee

    SBS 2008 Change default startup from Safe Mode after dirty shutdown

    Forgot to post corresponding application event log entry. Information: The description for Event ID 18456 from source MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or...
  9. QuaziBee

    SBS 2008 Change default startup from Safe Mode after dirty shutdown

    Troubleshooting an intermittent issue that's pasted below: The process wininit.exe ( has initiated the restart of computer SBSSERVER on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: Legacy API shutdown Reason Code: 0x80070000 Shutdown Type: restart Comment: Problem...
  10. QuaziBee

    Server 2012 Standard Remote Access

    Found that installing the Remote Desktop Services roll with a session based deployment will host the web page I was looking for. Unfortunately, it won't run on a server that is running AD DC. This issue looks to be fixed in R2 but I don't have that. I'm now following best practices and...
  11. QuaziBee

    Server 2012 Standard Remote Access

    Hey Guys I'm looking at a Server 2012 Standard installation and I have a question about remote access. In the old SBS and the new Essentials, there's a default landing page that is configured that you can bind to a address so that people can access email, remote desktop...
  12. QuaziBee

    Powershell Remote Registry Entries

    Found that it was pulling it for me. As I don't have a profile with that info in it there were empty values. Have to specify who the current user is: $sr = { $UserName = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName $Principal = New-Object...
  13. QuaziBee

    Powershell Remote Registry Entries

    Overview: Default Outlook exchange server address is incorrect on remote PC. I know the address is located in a reg_binary named 001f662a deep in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. I can use the following line to find that particular value on my pc and spit out the paths to them: Get-ChildItem...
  14. QuaziBee

    Powershell Invoke-Commad in VB .Net?

    Is there a feature in VB .Net like Powershell's Invoke-Command? I have to access logs on a ton of terminals that are on my WAN but not on the domain. GP permissions do not allow me to simply add credentials to my PC so I can gain access, and the only way I know how to gain access while using VB...
  15. QuaziBee

    VB .Net Initiate Dial Up Connection on Remote PC

    I want to launch an application that will go to a PC on my LAN and have it fire off the default Dial Up connection. As a bonus, it would tell me the status of the connection. The code below will fire off the Dial Up connection on the local PC, using the Wininet API, and could be totally...
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