Recent content by mehmin

  1. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    I appreciate the insight. I'm just eager to soak up knowledge. It's pretty interesting and I actually enjoy work. Even on the crappy days sometimes. As long as I'm learning. But it can be frustrating when I wish I could magically gain experience. Thanks for the help.
  2. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    It's been a while since I've last been here. Things are still going well at my new job. However, it's like drinking from a fire hose. I take notes on my personal computer on how to fix new problems. I'm always learning but it seems like a big challenge. I'm expected to close out 10 tickets a...
  3. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    good news. I've got a new job and I'm actually doing IT related stuff. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but I had a 60 day review at my old job and they essentially told me they wouldn't be able to continue employing me strictly for an IT role which is odd since that's what the job was...
  4. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    Thanks for the advice. I'm conducting interviews right now so it's nice to have more questions I haven't thought about or considered.
  5. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    Has anyone worked it the help desk area? I'm applying to other jobs right now... lets just say I've completely stopped doing anything related to IT and am pretty much fed up with it. It's ridiculous. I know experience is key in IT and I'm not getting any younger. The good thing is that my in box...
  6. M

    Need help deciding...

    have you started using the lessons yet? Do you like them?
  7. M

    Learning Programming

    not sure if it was mentioned earlier, but what type of compilers are good? I'm using code:blocks for C right now
  8. M

    Learning C > Questions

    I'm also using arduino but I got away from it because copying and pasting code is getting frustrating.I want to be able to know how to write it myself instead of relying on others' work. And I'm also too proud to ask for a lot of help. So I started learning C off of youtube. But it's nice to get...
  9. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    Is there any material anyone suggests for studying for the MS MTA cert? I don't have too much experience to just go out and take the exam. I figured it'd be a good first step in adding to my credentials.
  10. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    I'm leaning towards doing stuff with networking... I suppose that's kinda vague, but again I'm new to IT and most likely don't know all there is to what networking entails. But sitting down and learning about IPs and teaching myself subnetting was really cool to me. Programming seems interesting...
  11. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    The thing is, it's really slow here and most of the jobs aren't too closely related to IT. A few weeks ago I even replaced some toiled paper dispensers before some top brass came for a visit. I appreciate the opportunity to get into the business but in the mean time I think I'll pursue some...
  12. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    this may be the case. it says it's not a recognized command
  13. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    nothing came up. I'm on the windows server CLI right now, not in the switch yet. I suppose I didn't specify that part. Is there something I have to put in to get into the interface for the switch?
  14. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    I figured when it comes time to move on to another job, having knowledge of cisco gear is going to be useful since it's everywhere..... Perhaps it's not really a problem, but I'm still dead set on learning the process to match up ports to host MAC addresses. For example, something that will...
  15. M

    Update to New IT job. Where do I start. Week 2.

    So, the GS716T is a managed switch. I've got the CMD screen up, but how to I access the switch? I found a PDF for netgear interface commands. Hopefully we'll get some new equipment soon and I'll do my best to influence the boss to get some cisco gear.
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