Recent content by KShef

  1. K

    What's happening with MS recording device.

    My old computer with XP had a recording device that had options to record sounds from at least three sources, e.g. “Line In”, “Microphone”, “Stereo”, “Wave”, and etcetera. My new computer with XP (using the SigmaTel Audio Playback/Recording device) only allows recording from...
  2. K

    Surfing Problem

    A few people I know have had a problem with their browsers not being able to surf with domain names or URLs. When I used my computer with their modem/router I surfed with no problem. Then I noticed that their computers can access their router with its IP address but not with its domain name...
  3. K

    Can I make a DVD of a licensed video I downloaded?

    I was able to restore the license and WMP will play it but no DVD burning software can open it so that we can make a DVD-Video of it and play it in a standard player (the kind that can be played on TV).
  4. K

    Can I make a DVD of a licensed video I downloaded?

    My cousin's daughter was in a swim meet that was video-recorded by a company (Event Reflects) whose website we cannot find anymore. She paid for the video, downloaded it with the media player license, and had no problem until she tried it on another computer. From what I understand, if she...
  5. K

    iPod problems... Please help.

    Re Yeah, but I think my bro-in-law said he found the solution on a support site that suggested this to be a common problem on the "Click Wheel" iPod, or in Version 3.1. He said that a different model iPod would require a different method of unlocking it, such as the general suggested above...
  6. K

    iPod problems... Please help.

    I got it! Here's how. I have the "click wheel" iPod which, as I'm learning, tends to lock (even when not in "HOLD" mode). What we did was switch in and out of "HOLD" mode and then press the "MENU" and SELECT button for six to 10 seconds. This resets it. Thanks for the help, fellas. I hope...
  7. K

    iPod problems... Please help.

    I have the 2004 iPod and am satisfied with it when it works. I'm not sure what version it is because it's locked! It locked when I tried to use it for the first time and my bro-in-law did something to unlock it. It worked great for a month, but now it's locked again. It's stuck in play mode...
  8. K

    Remote Desktop & pcAnywhere vs VPNs

    I never got around to loading remote control software on my PC but am still very interested in this. I understand pcAnywhere and etcetera are the cheapest way but how efficient and secure are they compared to a VPN?
  9. K

    What's good for audio editing?

    I've been using Adobe Audition for audio editing and have been pleased with it. I've recently been given a PowerMac G4 for my wife but she prefers the IBM which contains my Audition software. I haven't found Audition for Mac yet (d*mnit). Can anyone here tell me about Mac software that...
  10. K

    Please help!

    Thanks for the tip. You're right, DiggerB. I did use a different Ghost image for each computer, though. I was wondering, while we're on the subject, if I could actually save the Ghost image of computer 2 to the spare hard drive of computer 1 since it has more space. I tried it once, but it...
  11. K

    Please help!

    Thanks for the replies. I tried simple file sharing and it seems to work fine. I don't know what SID is, but I don't think they both have the same. I know they see each other and can share files. I just can't get it back to advanced file sharing.
  12. K

    Please help!

    I used Ghost to copy XP Pro for both, but only the OS. The files are on a different hard drive. Ghost would have nothing to do with it if everything worked the way it did before I loaded it. I'm just guessing it's the only reason why they don't share files anymore. I have an HP and a Dell...
  13. K

    Please help!

    I recently loaded my Ghost image of XP on two computers in my network and am trying to share a folder as it was before I loaded the Ghost image. When I try to access the shared folder of one computer with the other, it says "Access denied. Contact Administrator to see if you have permission...
  14. K

    What's the best audio/video editing software/hardware?

    Please excuse my rant here, but it's relevant to the topic. To put it bluntly, I hate broadcast commercials to an abnormal degree. I hate them so much, I only watch or listen to recorded programs so I can fast-forward through the commercials. If I'm watching or listening to current news or...
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