Recent content by Hutzit

  1. Hutzit


  2. Hutzit


    Did I just find out that you can only play online if you have playstation plus?
  3. Hutzit

    Game Hunters Watch list

    Yup. I can't believe what they did to dexter. No way no how.
  4. Hutzit

    Mobile Gaming

    I played clash of lords for a while til an update wouldn't update. Two email replies later I just quit trying. Pretty sure its this podunk phone. Sounds exactly like clash of clans, might even be made by the same people.
  5. Hutzit

    GTA Butts. You be the judge.

    Poopie and a half brother
  6. Hutzit

    GTA Butts. You be the judge.

    Hey who are you and what are you doing up so late and do you have gtav on ps3 so we can team up I'm desperate for cooperation?
  7. Hutzit

    GTA Butts. You be the judge.

    Rider voted for his own butt.
  8. Hutzit

    What Are You Doing To Pass Time...

    Gouging my eyes out because I wont even be able to get one for a long time and I'm going to have to watch everyone with no eyeballs.
  9. Hutzit

    GTA Butts. You be the judge.

    My thoughts exactly. They all have cellulite, but the one on the left has a bigger booty albeit the same chicken butt shape as the others.
  10. Hutzit

    GTA V Discussion

    Ill be online tonight at 4am, I played about an hour last night... got through the intro jiss. So if anyone cant sleep or you're on the other side of the planet play with me, hutzit on ps3...
  11. Hutzit

    Weekend Gaming

    I love croutons.
  12. Hutzit

    Weekend Gaming

    I stole a jet in gtav... that's about it
  13. Hutzit

    Random Gaming News

    I wish man, probably wont make it online for another month. Have to adjust dollas with moving into the new place. Dropped 1400 washingtons just to move in. Its tough pimpin only one pregnant woman with a stutter.
  14. Hutzit

    Random Gaming News

    Ya totally lame. *whistles*
  15. Hutzit

    The only non GTA 5 thread on the interwebs

    Our cats name is maynard james kitty. And maynard doesnt like repetative interviews. You should look up some interviews he orchestrated. I follow him on instagram, he's actually a huge lovable dork. That makes wine.
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