Recent content by HexFinder

  1. H

    Net+ Certification

    The reason people see Net+ harder then A+ is because this goes into details of networks. Nothing similar to making patch cables or crossover cables. This takes IP Addresses, Subnetting. How many people can explain all Network Topologies and the ideal condition to use it, why it should be used...
  2. H

    whats a good book to study...

    The best way to go about would actually be to look for the CBT Nugget (Training Company). They offer Information Technology training. Alot of it I have picked up from them. They offer the exact material to pass Microsoft Certifications. The second best thing you could use is Microsoft Virtual...
  3. H

    Grandma's Computer

    Chances are the version of XP is hacked. I get quite a few systems that have updates turned off because of that reason.
  4. H

    New to IT field...

    ( I am not here to offend anyone. I am providing advice from the First Person but also the Employer) Hi Timmy Jo. Now, I see that you have basic computer knowledge (nothing special). The problem here is the nothing special. With minimal experience you cannot make an outstanding break. At this...
  5. H

    Chain of Routers

    Well JT, That scenario would be completely unnecessary and overkill unless you have the other ports of the routers taken up by PC's and you cannot afford to buy a switch.
  6. H

    bluehost/hostmonster, what's going on?

    I do not believe 10GB would out of the ordinary. It is excessive for a website yes but not overkill. When you get into the hundreds at that point they would talk.
  7. H

    Fedora Fans?

    Hi Jayce, Have you tried updating Fedora then re-yumming Exaile?
  8. H

    New Folder

    I never get a place where I have to pay my own electricity. Plus I have various company systems I run also, power bill is tax deductible.
  9. H

    Google Zeitgeist 2009

    rofl, Michael Jackson is number 2
  10. H

    Is it Time to Reconsider Firefox? YES!!!!!!!!

    Extensions make it worst.
  11. H

    New to the forum and PC gaming

    Hi Kenny, Welcome to TF, hope you enjoy your stay with us. Kmote is correct, you could use a new GPU (Graphic Card)
  12. H


    ExxonMobil does pay for schooling. They give 5,000$ a year (if passed) in refund. but most companies will pay for certifications. If they do, I would get all I can from them then look for better.
  13. H

    New Folder

    Once I get my Dedicated server. I will set that to fold. Looking at a 6,000$ machine. Will get a nice videocard into it for folding only.
  14. H

    Blackberry Tour media files question

    You cannot send multiple files at once via Facebook or Flickr. Has to be done one by one unless you attach them all to your email and then upload from email.
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