Recent content by gegeneo

  1. G

    first page in google

    First of All, the website/blog that your article is in must be well optimized for search engines, and it must be a legal blog/website because nonlegal ones are not likely to appear on search engines. Nonlegal: (Hacking-Porn-Drugs-etc...) Secondly, try to add keywords in your article that people...
  2. G

    Microsoft Word

    You can simply go to the Home Tab, then go to the Paragraph Tool Box and LEFT click on the little arrow on the bottom right of the box, a window should appear, click on the default button, then click Yes...
  3. G

    Blocking porn

    You can go to and create a network there, and filter the categories you don't want them to be viewed on your Netwrok/Computer....
  4. G

    Where can I learn HTML?

    For me, the best places I have learned HTML, CSS, JS, Ruby are:
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