Recent content by geekzwebDOTcom

  1. geekzwebDOTcom

    Project Pip Boy

    Well, do what you are passionate about. You can almost never go wrong that way.
  2. geekzwebDOTcom

    Project Pip Boy

    Good point. It doesn't always have to make sense in dollars. If you are learning something in the process, that is awesome. I have to say that I might take some time to think of another idea though since there are already so many things available that do what you are talking about. However...
  3. geekzwebDOTcom

    Looking for ideas. Something simple for a DIY Project ..

    Well, you could get into Crytocurrency, but many people are losing their pants there. LOL. Have you ever played with elastic search? You could set up your own logging system and if you don't already have one, you could set up an opensource firewall like pfsense to send logs to the elastic...
  4. geekzwebDOTcom

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    I agree with the comments about Tom's Hardware. Definitely a lot of traffic there as the site has been around forever. But that forum software is for the birds.
  5. geekzwebDOTcom

    High-end laptop

    I love Macs, but I have to admit that they lost a lot of luster when Apple decided to ditch the PowerPC architecture in favor of x86. Now, a Mac is not much different than any other PC with a Unix/Linux OS. However, I still like their products. I think you can do just as well with audio...
  6. geekzwebDOTcom


    Hello, everyone! My name is Phil. I founded Geekz as a technology blog and community. It is a work in progress. I am a geek and I love talking tech with anyone who will listen. I look forward to getting to know people here and having some great conversation.
  7. geekzwebDOTcom

    Techist Member Picture Gallery

    My picture. Taken in San Francisco.
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