Recent content by DeadIntermediate

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    Welcome to the forums. What games do you like to play?
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    Best File Compression?

    I want to compress files and folders so that I can fit more to my external hard drive. Any recommendations and why you chose that?
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    Terminal - Copying files from one drive to another

    I am not sure if I have asked this question before, but I was curious about how would I be able to transfer files or folders / directories from one Hard Drive to another? I want to be able to do this, because I have VPS and I notice that transferring files via Terminal is much faster than it...
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    Hiren's BootCD Alternative ?

    I heard that Hiren's BootCD is out of date and no longer maintain. I was wondering if there is any other software that's is more up to date and maintained?
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    Linux Anti-Virus Software

    I didn't know that Hiren's BootCD had Antivirus. Only thing is, how much of virus definitions does it have compare to other Anti-virus?
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    Terminal Hard Drive Test

    I was wondering if there is coming in the lInux Terminal that I can to text to see if a hard's health. Like a S.M.A.R.T drive programs, but for in linux and maybe for in terminal, since it be kind of built in? I don't know. What I am planning is to have a USB drive, running Linux with tools and...
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    Linux Anti-Virus Software

    I remember attending a community college. Before we can stick our USB Drives to their computers to open our documents, we have to stick our USB drive to one computer (I remember it was like an old computer maybe 90's computer) and it was like a DOS like theme, took up the entire screen, and hit...
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    Windows 8.1 Removing Photos after Restart

    Thanks. I'll check the Event Viewer and see what I can find. I did not know about that feature in Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1
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    Windows 8.1 Removing Photos after Restart

    Hello, I have a customers computer, which she had downloaded photos and placed them into a folder and left the folder on the desktop. After the computer being restarted, the folder that she has left there (I saw it there the day before and hasn't touch the computer until today), the folders are...
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    Windows OS Driver Pack

    True, but sometimes they don't title the driver well, they are like like drivers versions.
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    Windows OS Driver Pack

    That is true, but some companies websites are a pain to find the drivers or either they layout the website weird, as in it's hard to read or understand.
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    Linux Server

    When you said you need try to install install CentOS 6.X because you need 1 Gb of RAM. Are you installing the GUI version or the non-GUI version. Also, no to sounds mean, but to point a fact is that, you may not be able to run a website server, because the ISP, they mostly block the default...
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    Windows OS Driver Pack

    When I went to the website. I notice the domain name is and su domain name is Soviet Union. Which I am feeling a bit unsafe.
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    Windows OS Driver Pack

    How is DriverPack Solution? My school is using Cobra Driver Pack 2010. Could you tell me the difference between the two? I am just a learning student and want to compare the difference and the benefits of the two.
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    Windows OS Driver Pack

    Is there any Windows OS Driver pack? Like is there an ISO or EXE file out there where has a huge database of drivers where I can just click on what drivers I need and just installs it? I might need in use of one like this for future customs computers if the computer doesn't come with drivers...
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