Recent content by bigstanklo

  1. B

    How do i use Ethernet?

    Change the channel the phone operates on. I take it you have DSL... double check the filters. Unplug one phone at a time, call your house and see if you eliminate the problem if so then that phone is at fault.
  2. B

    core duo and core 2 duo

    Core 2 Duo usually have less power consumption that Core Duo.
  3. B

    Recycling Old Parts

    Only recycling programs I have seen lately involve the purchase of a new PC and the company will allow you to send back an old PC or PC parts (Dell I believe)..
  4. B

    neverending shutdown....

    I have the same problem and can't figure out what it is. Tried multiple installs of the OS (both XP Home and Pro, legitimate copies) with the same problem. I do have an HP printer but I uninstalled it and used the PC for a while with the same problem. Think it could be a hardware issue? Random....
  5. B

    sound card suggestions?

    Turtle Beach 5.1 channel: Go to newegg and search 5.1 channel sound card and read reviews. Wide range of prices on these things
  6. B

    Folding @ Home

    I'm definetly on the banwagon here. Going to d'load and install this soon as i get home from work. Post this in more places on the forum if possible to attract attention, its a great cause and it would be cool to see more people do it.
  7. B

    fastest torrent engine?

  8. B

    Safest Dust Removal....

    Compressed air is flammable to a point (if you hold a match or lighter directly to the air stream). Definetly isn't a problem for your case. Use it and make sure to blow dust out of all the fans and small compartments in the case as well.
  9. B

    what is the best way for me to see ghosting in a monitor?

    I wouldn't call that ghosting at all with the conversions. Try another conversion program as "square shapes" should not be appearing in the picture at all.
  10. B

    Eye Strain / Floaters

    Mine definetly aren't blood or anything serious. Had an eye doc check them out a little while ago. Matter of fact that reminds me, I need to make an eye appointment soon here. I have near perfect vision just these **** annoying floaters.
  11. B

    Eye Strain / Floaters

    No its more in bright lights actually when looking at a white background or the computer screen. Mine are especially noticeable outside.
  12. B

    Eye Strain / Floaters

    Real random question here but does anyone have eye "floaters" (small black spots in one or both eyes). I have a few and was wondering how many other people experience this and / or if computer use makes them worse or treatments people have had...
  13. B

    Case Worries

    Definetly go with Xaser over Tsunami from Thermaltake. A friend of mine has Tsunami and its rather loud with a few cooling fans on. The Xaser looks more "professional" in my opinion which is what I look for in a comp case.
  14. B

    Should I get a new job?

    My guess is it would be busy (which can be good, make the time pass). If you like manual labor as I am sure that is what it will be, unloading and what not I'd say go for it. At least interview and check it out.
  15. B

    Case Worries

    The first Thermaltake case in your link is rather nice. Don't like the swinging side cooling fan holder personally. I suggested Antec because they are large cases (despite what the pictures suggest) and well constructed. Thermaltake is a very good company as well I am sure you will not be...
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