Potentially the longest thread in history...

My grandfather just sent me this email after I told him I was returning some defective Christmas tree lights:

"Several years ago I was in a store at Christmas time, old lady was returning christmas tree lights. Clerk asked if they were defective. No, she replied they just scare me. She said she bought them for her tree, she lived alone, decorated the tree, the lights starting blinking on/off (she did not know they were blinking lights), after awhile she got a headache, went to her bedroom to lie down, closed her door, she could see the lights blinking under the door, scared her, she was terrified to get out of the bed, called her son, he came over and turned off the lights and now she was returning them."
My grandfather just sent me this email after I told him I was returning some defective Christmas tree lights:

"Several years ago I was in a store at Christmas time, old lady was returning christmas tree lights. Clerk asked if they were defective. No, she replied they just scare me. She said she bought them for her tree, she lived alone, decorated the tree, the lights starting blinking on/off (she did not know they were blinking lights), after awhile she got a headache, went to her bedroom to lie down, closed her door, she could see the lights blinking under the door, scared her, she was terrified to get out of the bed, called her son, he came over and turned off the lights and now she was returning them."

good story
Quick question, what's mac and cheese? A burger with cheese?

edit: oooooh! Macaroni and cheese, me gets it now! and blurgh, I don't like that cold OR hot

edit edit: a cold cheeseburger is good tho.
Ewww cold mac and cheese, that's definitely one thing that makes you cringe when you bit into it cold.

Either that or the cold hurts my teeth and the cringe is from pain, has to be one of the two.
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