Looking for a Good Read


Solid State Member
I want to learn as much as I can about the fundamentals and concepts of cloud computing, virtualization, SDN, and how these will influence the future of cyber-security. I am not intimidated of long reads so if anyone has any recommendations of any learning material relating to these topics than that would be great. Please keep in mind that I am talking about fundamentals and concepts, I need visuals and beginner level terminology and teaching. Nothing too overwhelming.
Cloud computing is something in which you have to deliver computing as a service, shared resources, software, and information are given to the computers and other devices for utility in a network.
Virtualization means creating a virtual version for something it can be virtual computer hardware, operating system, storage device, or computer network resources.
SDN means software defined networking, basic concept is to separate network's control and forwarding plans to make it easy to optimize each.
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