Changing The Way We Authenicate Users

office politics

It's all just 1s and 0s
in the lab

Oxford BioChronometrics' software captures user inputs and creates a signature that is more individual than a fingerprint. These signatures cannot be replicated by human beings or by bots and create what the company calls a user's electronically Defined Natural Attributes, or e-DNA.

“Traditional authentication tools such as passwords, PINs, and one- time-codes are cumbersome and can still be hijacked by viruses and hackers,” said Neal. “As banks and merchants move away from desktop PC online banking and into mobile banking apps, our ability to authenticate users from one device to another becomes very important in ensuring safe online transactions and avoiding scams.”

Read more at A World Without Passwords? A New University of Oxford Start-up Believes You'll Never Have to Prove You're Human (or Yourself!) Again | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
This is a new technology in the right measures. Passwords, PINs, and one- time-codes are common now a days and yes, many people can hack it by virus and commands. This is a different idea to create a signature for an individual which is more safe and unique. It will play a helpful role in the fields where we need more security.
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