Linux Anti Maleware.

There's always a chance, but it's really small with *nix.
Your biggest problem would be running unknown commands, such as this one:
 :(){ :|:& };:
Called a fork bomb! Forks a process until the computer crashes from running out of memory :tongue:
There's always a chance, but it's really small with *nix.
Your biggest problem would be running unknown commands, such as this one:
 :(){ :|:& };:
Called a fork bomb! Forks a process until the computer crashes from running out of memory :tongue:

To add-on... that means don't run that :p.
I'm going to put that in my sig.
or maybe the Windows version of it. :tongue:
Is it Important to have anti Malware for Linux and if so what would you recommend?

It depends on many factors. Malware for Linux does exist but the chances to get it are much lower than on other Platforms. This however, does not make it impossible. The classical threat to Unix-like systems is vulnerabilities in network daemons, such as SSH and web servers. See for details.
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