Checksum Verifier & Generator Utility


Private Joker,
Staff member
Checksum Verifier and Utility
Download from the GitHub link at the bottom of the post

Checksum Verifier Utility
Copyright 2013 Chase (carnageX) <>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The **** You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.

/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The **** You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details. */

Details & Usage
Built on .NET Framework 4.5

Supported Checksum Algorithms:
SHA-1, SHA-1 Managed, SHA-1 CNG
SHA-256, SHA-256 Managed, SHA-256 CNG
SHA-384, SHA-384 Managed, SHA-384 CNG
SHA-512, SHA-512 Managed, SHA-512 CNG
RIPEMD160, RIPEMD160 Managed

Supports 3 modes:
Single File
Multiple File
Text string

You can generate hashes for either mode, or compare to a checksum provided to the program by the user.

To use (single or Multiple File modes):
1) Select desired algorithm(s) (default is MD5 - assumed this would be most used)
2) Select a tab (mode) to use
3) (Optional) If verifying a file's checksum, enter it in the "Checksum" field.
4) Browse for a file to generate
5) Click the Compare button
Note: for large files it may take some time... be patient!
6) The result will appear in the appropriate section in the tab's section.
a) For Single File mode: the checksum generated for the file will appear in the "File Checksum" field. If comparing to an entered Checksum, the result will display below the File Checksum field, noting if it is a match or mismatch. The checksum generated from the file will also turn green for a match, and red for a mismatch.

b) For Multiple Files mode: The generated checksum(s) will appear in the list to the right of the Browse and Compare buttons for each file. It will also note if there was a match or mismatch to the given Checksum (if one was given).

To use Text String Mode:
1) Select desired algorithm(s)
2) Input a text string in the "Input String" box
a) Input a checksum to compare against if desired
3) Select an encoding method
4) Click Generate/Compare button

License Content
Version 2, December 2004

Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.


0. You just DO WHAT THE **** YOU WANT TO.

Version 4.3.1
Replaced statusbar status label with status light to indicate state (Ready/Running/Finished/Error)

Version 4.3.0
Added Statusbar added to bottom of window
Various details such as current operation status (Ready, Running, Finished, and Error), elapsed operation time, and the progress bar from each tab has been removed and added to statusbar

Version 4.2.1
Added Comparison capability for Text tab
Switched order of File / Checksum inputs on Single File tab
Added thousands-separator for file size

Version 4.2.0
Added Text (Single string) Hash Generation tab with the following text encoding options:
ASCII, BigEndianUnicode, Default (current system's default), Unicode, UTF7, UTF8, UTF32

Version 4.1.0
Added additional hash algorithms:
MD5-CNG, SHA1 Managed/CNG, SHA256 Managed/CNG, SHA384 Managed/CNG, SHA512 Managed/CNG, and RIPEMD160 Managed

Version 4.0.0
Initial release of WPF conversion from WinForms

Below are Depcrecated WinForms version changelogs:
Version 3.1.0
* Added RIPEMD160 hash computation

Version 3.0.0
* Added ability to select multiple algorithms at once
* Press "Delete" key to deselect all items, and "Shift+Delete" to select all items
* Fixed small bug with Single File context menu not coming up.
* Added which algorithm matches/mismatches along with generated checksum.

Version 2.6.0
* Allow form to be resizable / maximized
* Changed display format of Multifile results
* Allow export of Multifile results to a text file

Version 2.5.3
* Added CRC16 hash computation

Version 2.5.2
* Set project target to AnyCPU instead of x86 only
* Setup TF and MF tabs to change the Compare button text depending on user-inputted hash textbox state

Version 2.5.1
* Code fixes and refactoring
* Additional source documentation added

Version 2.5.0
* Fixed file handling to dispose of file handle when finished computing the hash
* Added CRC32 hash computation

Version 1.0.0
* Initial Release


GitHub link:

Latest release download:
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Not bad. Some suggestions for future additions:
1. Ability to resize the window, because this:

2. If not 1, then the ability to output a text file with the filename(s) and computed checksums for that file or batch of files
3. Hashing in more than one algorithm at once; often we do MD5+SHA1 concurrently in forensics (technically unnecessary but desired in courts)
4. Either a "Copy" button that puts the hash into the clipboard, or automatically doing so when a user clicks on the has
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Not bad. Some suggestions for future additions:
1. Ability to resize the window, because this:

2. If not 1, then the ability to output a text file with the filename(s) and computed checksums for that file or batch of files
3. Hashing in more than one algorithm at once; often we do MD5+SHA1 concurrently in forensics (technically unnecessary but desired in courts)
4. Either a "Copy" button that puts the hash into the clipboard, or automatically doing so when a user clicks on the has

1. Can do - I was just too lazy to modify the controls to be expandable or static :p.
2. Didn't think of that, I like that idea. Easily implemented as well.
3. So you mean do: compute hash of MD5, then hash of SHA1? Or is there a different algorithm for MD5+SHA1?
4. I believe I set it so you can right-click in the computed panel, and copy 1 or all.

Thanks for the suggestions :D.
So it'll just show both checksums side-by-side, essentially?

Yup :) Ideally, it'd do that and the output would be something like
At least in the case of hashing multiple files at once.
Updated to Version 2.6.0
* Allow form to be resizable / maximized
* Changed display format of Multifile results
* Allow export of Multifile results to a text file

Still looking into the best way to do multiple algorithms.
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