Recent content by _michaelm

  1. M

    unresponsive host (r pi) until repeatedly pinged

    All, I have a strange networking issue with one of my raspberry pis. It is running a program which takes images from the camera and then uploads them each night to my NAS. Sometimes the upload fails due to networking issues. Once this issue (whatever it is) occurs, the only way to get...
  2. M

    help Problem with Dev C++ compiler

    I'd suggest starting off by building an example application (e.g. hello world) in your IDE/compiler and make sure you can get that to build and execute successfully first. Having understood that process, you'll be able to rule out your build tools as the source of your problem. From this...
  3. M

    I want to make C++ games

    Well said root, I second that. I did a lot of game development at uni in both Java and C++ and when you consider that the modern gaming industry is driven by consumers - to focus on efficient code, performance and powerful game engines with physics simulations, GPGPU and other highly specific...
  4. M

    2TB Memory Stick

    As other's have said, scam all the way. Ever since the recent discovery of the 'bad-usb' exploit, several similar scams have been conducted. You can program the USB firmware to say that it is any size you want, but there isn't physically enough memory chips on the actual device. I appreciate you...
  5. M

    Wireless Repeater Troubles

    Most routers have another mechanism, such as XML configuration upload facility. However, they are becoming more and more proprietary (and binary encoded) so you can't edit them without using the GUI :( Try downloading the config from the backup page (if that works) and then seeing if it's...
  6. M

    I want to make C++ games

    Book Assessment: I'd say that is a reasonable selection - however I would say the best book on C is "the C programming language" by Kernighan and Ritchie (known as the K&R book). It literally is 'the book' on the subject. I wouldn't bother with the Ubuntu book, I know you said you don't know...
  7. M

    why do LAN IP address start with

    What joe says is correct regarding RFC1918 yes. However, the IPv4 internet addressing schema didn't start with ISPs since there weren't any 'end-users' in those days, but academic networks such as JANET in the UK which wanted to collaborate with one-another. They chose somewhat arbitrary IP...
  8. M

    A little help please with isolating my network...

    What Celegorm said will work yes, essentially just treat the site-wide network as 'the internet' i.e. an untrusted zone. Then connecting any router's WAN connection into this (provided it is a NAT router, which it will be in the UK if it's a SoHo style e.g. home hub) will give you the...
  9. M

    Programming frustration

    I'm sure you used to be able to edit posts here.. but I can't seem to find that now, so: Edits: 1) ...thus far in this thread** 2) ...from source to the final artefact i.e. .c-> ... 3) ...this interprets (not executes) all #define statements... 4) is very bad practice to have absolute...
  10. M

    Programming frustration

    Jcrew, firstly based on how you're phrasing your questions you certainly have noble aspirations and a keen interest to understand exactly what each line of code means. I have to say this is a personal quality which the vast majority of students on my CompSci degree completely ignored. I...
  11. M

    Computer Misuse Act

    Disclaimer (insert same as Bahawolf here). I agree with bahawolf to an extent, the unauthorised aspect is definitely stressed. However, I do believe that simply 'owning' a domain name (not technically a website as the OP referred to it - the wesbite is simply the content that is hosted at...
  12. M

    Are E-mail attachments encrypted with SSL?

    The algorithm you're referring to is 3DES (pronounced triple DEZ) and is 3 passes of the symmetric cipher 'Data Encryption Standard' - it is the precursor to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and you should also note that it is an encryption cipher, not and encoding scheme. The difference is...
  13. M

    Are E-mail attachments encrypted with SSL?

    Glad I could be of help. Firstly, I'd be concerned that outlook on your XP machine was 'working with SSL' despite you not providing a digital ID - this sounds a little out of place. Secondly, it is worth saying that when your webhost is referring to 'secure email' in this context, what they...
  14. M

    Best Public DNS Server

    Everyone will get dramatically different performance depending on location, ISP and other factors - try out this benchmark utility for some insightful results:
  15. M

    Are E-mail attachments encrypted with SSL?

    A few points to note here (and I'll try to keep it brief) 1) Mail clients don't use SSL in the conventional web (HTTPS) sense, they use public-key cryptography certificates on both ends (sender and received, rather than just the web-server in HTTPS) 2) This certificate is essentially what...
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