PlayStation's 20th Anniversary

Someone screwed up and sold one for $1 today. Hahahahaha!

He probably won't sell it and take the hit on his feedback.
Got the theme,
It's nice to hear that sound again, it takes a bit for the sound to kick in, so you almost forget about it.
I don't like the color of the theme though, I wish I could keep the sound of the ps1 and the theme of the ps4
$15 K for a PS4????? Sucker would have to be made out of real gold for that price, Some people have more money than brains. Like years ago the beanie baby craze. Suckers were paying up to $800 for a stupid bean bag toy because there was only so many made in that color UM WTH is wrong with you. It's a freaking bean bag toy????? and all that money spent then and now you can barely give them away. Parents had a few they used for dog toys for the pups LOL.......... In a few years that $15K PS4 won't be worth the price of the black one IMHO but it will sure be a story to tell how dad wasted all his kids college money LOL
20 years of playstation..... Now I am feeling old......
Effectively I have owned all the Sony Consoles of a period or another. I remember the PS1 being about a AU$600 investment. That was a lot of money in those days.
20 best years of my LIFE! i would of been so bored with a PS in my room/ livingroom..
Amen to that! I remember the day I got my first PS1. It was Christmas morning and after I had opened all my gifts, my mom said I had one more in the basement. There she was, the PS1 with a 19' CRT TV. :p
Amen to that! I remember the day I got my first PS1. It was Christmas morning and after I had opened all my gifts, my mom said I had one more in the basement. There she was, the PS1 with a 19' CRT TV. :p

What a nice mom and a pretty cool way of surprising you!
Wipeout blow me away! then twisted-metal was just crazy! best line up for first games on a new console EVER!
20 best years of my LIFE! i would of been so bored with a PS in my room/ livingroom..

I like how you put this.

It certainly makes me think about the other 19 years that were fantastic in terms of gaming for me.

1 really ****ty year can't completely ruin two decades of awesome...or maybe it can....

Sent from my blast processing t-781.afd Doritto chip from outer space.
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