Recent content by SarahC

  1. S

    Windows techy, likes making programmed animations.

    Hiyah! I've been a techy for over 20 years and have amazing holes in my knowledge. I frequently end up on beginner corners when I'm setting things up! I like coding, and especially like graphics, so being able to combine the two is awesome! I'm in love with JavaScript and HTML, because it can...
  2. S

    IIS Crypto... What is the point of "Client" settings?

    There's registry keys that IIS Crypto changes that are for the server AND the client. If I set the server side to only accept TLS 1.2, what effect does ticking/unticking the client ciphers have? What I don't get is - if the server's set to use TLS 1.2 at the lowest for "Server", and the...
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