Recent content by Niporase

  1. N

    Potentially the longest thread in history...

    I wonder why browsers does not support images that have a special character in the string name... it's been a while and it's not that difficult, isn't it? The Longest thread keep it going!!
  2. N

    Where do you download Nintendo games for Dolphin?

    I'm having some trouble to find some classic games and I would like to know if there is a legit and trustable website where you can download games. So far I just got some trojans... :sick:
  3. N

    Will we see 8k resolution in the new iMac?

    I don't this this is true!!
  4. N

    Thinking of getting a 17 inch laptop for school

    Which kind of games do you play or handle with this computer? Could you share the FPS if possible for some games?
  5. N

    What do you install on a new or reformatted computer?

    After drivers I usually install: -Chrome, Firefox, Opera,... (I develop websites) -Photoshop,Illustrator -Telegram Desktop -TextWrangler -MS Office -Java -Adobe Flash -VLC -Utorrent -Slack That's my basics.
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